Time Table May 2014 – Good News !From 15 May 2014 Change New Address !!
May 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE (Tel: 67470069, 62943588)
请提前三天报名感兴趣的课程 ***Please book 3 days before your preferred classes!
2pm-4pm 7pm-9pm $80 Anna Phua 调理机会员 $40 |
好处: 减重,肌肤有弹性,精神好,有活力 净血果汁 排宿便蔬果汁 日式四色蔬菜汤(减肥,疚风,降低血糖,血压,皮肤发炎,便秘) 气通蜂蜜米浆
P.S:调理机学生,学费:$40 |
Triple Detox Series
Respiration + Digestion + Blood Circulation Benefits:Weight Loss, Supple Skin, Good Mental Concentration, More Energy Blood Detox Juice Cleansing Vege Fruit Juice Japanese 4-colour Vege Soup Honey Brown Rice Beverage P.S:Students with purchase of Juice Blender, class fee: $40 |
Wed/星期三 2pm-4pm 7pm-9pm $120 Anna Phua |
Anna’s 私房咖哩(配馒头)
(首十位报名$80) K.L 蒲种砂煲鱼头 砂煲咖哩海鲜(虾,鱿鱼,豆卜等)
Anna Commercial Curry(Secret Recipe)
(first ten to sign up special price $80) K.L Pu Chong Claypot Curry(serve Buns) Claypot Curry Seafood(with Prawns/Cuttle Fish/Tau Pok etc…)
Fri/星期五 2pm-4pm 7pm-9pm $80 Anna Phua调理机会员 $40 |
豉汁鱼头煲仔胚芽饭、香港腊味煲仔胚芽饭 (冬奄辣酱) 冬菇鸡球煲仔胚芽饭、秘制老火汤: 莲藕珍珠豆葛软骨
Top Secret Claypot Embryo Rice
Fermented Salted Bean Fish Head Claypot Embryo Rice H.K Double Flavored Sausage and Chicken Ball Claypot Embryo Rice Mushroom Chicken Claypot Embryo Rice Long-Brew Soup Stock: Pearl Bean Lotus Root and Pork Ribs Students with purchase of Juice Blender, class fees: $40 |
Sat/星期六 3-5pm (save $20)!
Valerie Teo |
4 个健康目标供您选择! 2套便当6个食谱,每个课程2个小时。 |