About Anna Phua

Anna is an International Food & Beverage Consultant best known for her expertise in building businesses for Japanese and Taiwanese food business concepts.

As one of the judging panelists in Simply Dining, Anna is a gourmand for a world of cuisines. With a passion to share her discoveries and knowledge of food, Anna has penned and published top-selling books such as the “Festive Delight”, “Active Vegetable and Fruit Enzymes” and “Zesty Southeast Asian Treats”.

Driven with an unquenchable passion for baking and cooking since 14, Anna held her first baking class at 20. 34 years now, this food extraordinaire has been a regular contributor and guest speaker for Mediacorp’s Good Morning Singapore [Channel 8], Channel U’s cooking competition programmes, U-Weekly food columns, Lianhe Zao Bao and The Straits Times.

By far, Anna has at least 1000 members at Anna’s Cooking Arts.

Anna is an official guest volunteer at the Singapore’s Cancer Prevention Society where she conducts seminars on the healing wonders of Juice Therapy.